Peregrine Aesthetics Group

Thomas Kapper, Ph.D.

Economic Impact Studies
We use economic tools to aid in decision-making about questions arising from land-use planning, the If? What? Where? When? of development. All designs have costs and impacts.
Broadly put, our analysis seeks to maximize utility under the constraints of location, budget, and end use. Sometimes this forms components of a larger benefit cost study. The scope depends on the research problem to the solved.
The analysis potentially makes use of two types of data, primary and secondary.
Primary data is generated through original survey research, asking questions of stake-holders. For some projects this is the only viable method of analysis. One type of survey-based technique is contingent valuation. This is useful for the valuation of non-market resources, such as scenic beauty.
Secondary data is available in the public sphere and is often in the form of macroeconomic indicators. This data is used in analytics, the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns that helps solve the research problem. This can include impacts on commerce, employment, and incomes.
Data requirements and the subsequent analysis are driven by the client’s research needs and the valuation question to be answered.